Want Privacy In Your Shared Dorm Room? Try This Bed Tent

Ever been in a hostel so noisy, you’ve reverted to throwing a pillow over your head? Or worse, had to wrap a hoodie, scarf, pair of jeans and a beanie over your ears just to get some shut eye? You’re not alone.
And this ingenious bed tent might be the solution.
Okay, yeah, it’s a little cumbersome to lug around in your backpack, but worth it for the sweet deep sleep that awaits you once you hop in.
This hunky bed tent is brought to us by Privacy Pop, a company that prides itself on being the “solution for naptime, bedtime, playtime and alone time.” It boasts privacy and seclusion, and claims to reduce outside light, so those harsh morning rays will be a thing of the past.
[related_articles]40010[/related_articles]The best part is you can just pop it over your mattress, zip yourself in and relax. The tents have been created specifically for portability – they can be folded flat and easily stored or transported.

The bed tents come in a variety of colours and sizes, and retail for around $120USD or $156AUD. Get yours here.