A Glasgow Café Is Serving The World’s Spiciest Ice Cream

Kristen Amiet is a previous AWOL editor, bona fide travel…
Ah, ice cream. Smooth, sweet, a little bit sticky. And, sometimes, super, unbearably spicy.
That’s the case at Glasgow’s Aldwych Café and Ice Cream Parlour, where staff are serving up Respiro del Diavolo – or “Devil’s Breath”. The deceptively pretty ice creamh as been released just in time for Valentine’s Day and is made with a secret mix of hot chillies, including the dangerously hot Carolina Reaper.
[related_articles]57997[/related_articles]What is a Carolina Reaper, exactly? Glad you asked. Up until recently, it was considered the world’s hottest pepper, thanks to its Scoville rating of 1,569,300. The Scoville scale measures the capsaicin concentration of a given chilli pepper in heat units (or SHU), and 1,569,300 seems like a lot.
To put it in perspective, Carolina Reapers are 100 times hotter than a jalapeño, which are already more than spicy enough, thank you very much.
Given that, anyone keen to sample a scoop of Respiro del Diavolo must be aged over 18 years and is required to sign a waiver that absolves the café of responsibility in the event of serious injury or illness.
According to the cafés owners, the recipe originated in Italy, where eating it was considered a sign of bravery. Brave or no, a post on Aldwych Café’s Facebook page suggests any patrons set on trying it should bring a mate along in case they have trouble getting home.
Or, you know, you could just opt for a scoop of the award-winning Nutella, caramel shortcake or Strongbow dark fruit ice cream instead. We won’t judge.
How To Get There
- Fly into Glasgow Airport
- Take the 500 service towards Glasgow to Waterloo lane (3 stops)
- Take the SimpliCITY 9 service from Union Street to Forfar Avenue (19 stops)
- Walk 100m along Paisley Road
- 2129 Paisley Road West, Glasgow G52 2RX,
(All images: Aldwych Café / Facebook)
Kristen Amiet is a previous AWOL editor, bona fide travel addict, sometimes whisky drinker and full-time breakfast food enthusiast.