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Everybody Shut Up, A Golden Gaytime Popcorn Now Exists

Everybody Shut Up, A Golden Gaytime Popcorn Now Exists

There are many glorious ways to enjoy the iconic Golden Gaytime: deep-fried, in beer form, in an ice cream tub, on your PJs etc etc.

Now, though, there is popcorn.

Yes, Golden Gaytime Popcorn has been invented and will hit the shelves of selected Coles supermarkets around Australia in March.

It’ll be coming in two flavours: Original and Chocolate — both with a combination of the famous Golden Gaytime vanilla biscuit crumbs and toffee.


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That’s not all. There will also be Golden Gaytime Easter Eggs, and I’ll take 10, thank you. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but chocolate always tastes 1000 000 times better in egg shape. I don’t make the rules, I just report on them.

The Golden Gaytim Egg will combine “pure milk chocolate with the iconic toffee flavour rolled in famous Golden Gaytime crumbs”.

According to the description, this Easter Egg will be “made from pure milk chocolate using cocoa certified by the Rainforest Alliance and no palm oil, Chocolatier Australia’s Golden Gaytime Eggsellence Easter Egg is coated with delicious Golden Gaytime crumbs and the ice-cream’s iconic toffee flavour”.

Image: Provided / Streets

It’ll be available in Woolies stores around Australia from March, which is pretty restrained for Easter food content to be honest.

(Lead Image: Provided / Streets)

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