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Maxibon Teamed Up With ‘Rick And Morty’ To Release A Limited-Edition Mint Flavour

Maxibon Teamed Up With ‘Rick And Morty’ To Release A Limited-Edition Mint Flavour

Personally, I’ve never understood the Maxibon as an ice cream — I simply MUST have my stick. However, judging by the countless friends I’ve watched scoff them down I know it’s an Aussie favourite. Well, now it’s getting a little twist.

Maxibon and Ricky and Morty have teamed up to create and flavour that pays homage to the viral hit episode ‘Pickle Rick’ in which Rick turns himself into a pickle to avoid family therapy — Maxibon Pickle Rick Mint flavour.

This limited-edition flavour will have all the same Maxibon bits you all seem to love, just with a minty twist. Expect a mint slab with mint crisps sandwiched between the Maxibon biscuit, with half dipped in a Pickle Rick inspired green coloured white chocolate with cookie crumbs.

Image: provided by Peters

“We heard the calls for a mint upgrade and we know there was no better way to launch our most requested flavour than with Pickle Rick,” said Carla Spadafora, Marketing Manager at Peters. “As pop culture icons and the world’s biggest ice-cream lovers, we knew Rick and Morty would authentically bring our exclusive mint flavour to life”.

You’ll be able to get your hands on the new ice cream flavour exclusively at  7-Eleven stores in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia right now. Those of you in South Australians will have to wait until July and then head to OTR stores.

(Lead image: provided by Peters)

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