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I Tested A Recipe For Air Fryed Caramello Koalas And Frankly It Wins The Internet

I Tested A Recipe For Air Fryed Caramello Koalas And Frankly It Wins The Internet

Yes, hello, happy Hump Day — do I have the treat for you! Air. Fryed. Caramello. Koalas. Yes I know, you can stop reading for the day, this is the best thing on the internet.

The recipe comes by way of a Facebook group called Share Kmart Air Fryer Recipes Australia, a straight forward name that I can respect.

A user/ sweet angel name Joanne posted her recipe for Air Fryed Caramello Koalas and Freddo Frogs and FRANKLY I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier. This is the only kind of baking I can get behind (ie. easy to follow with maximum results).

I happen to be OBSESSED with my housemate’s air fryer at the moment, honestly it does everything, so I figured why the hell not use my lunch break to give it a go. For journalistic integrity, of course.

The photos are mine, except for the first one which came from the original post so you can see what it’s MEANT to look like. You’re welcome.

Air Fryed Caramello Koalas / Freddo Frogs

Image: Facebook / Share Kmart Air Fryer Recipes Australia


  • Caramello Koalas
  • Freddo Frogs
  • Puff pastry
  • Milk

Step 1

Cut an outline of the choccie into your puff pastry, leaving a border of about 1cm extra. Repeat the process so you have two outlines for each chocolate.

Edts Notes: I think you’ll need more than 1cm, I found it really hard to press them together — but also mine weren’t shaped as cute as the OG.

Step 2

Wrap the pastry around the chocolate, using a fork to press the sides together. Then brush with a touch of milk.

Step 3

Cook in the air fryer at 190 degrees Celsius for about nine minutes. Serve with ice cream.

Edts Notes: Mine got very stuck to the fryer, so you might need to grease it a little, even with the milk. Now that I think about it, maybe this is obvious? I don’t know guys, I don’t cook.

The Results

Holy shitballs this is delicious! I mean, I feel a little sick now because I wolfed them both down so fast, but it’s worth it.

I don’t like ice cream so I had them without, but I can see how they’d go together well. I really thought I’d be able to pick a favourite between the Caramello Koala and the Freddo Frog but nup, I want them both in and around my mouth.

(Lead Image: Provided)

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