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Aldi Chocolate Just Got Voted The Best In Australia, So Go Buy In Bulk

Aldi Chocolate Just Got Voted The Best In Australia, So Go Buy In Bulk

Many brands come to mind when you’re thinking about the best chocolate — Cadbury, Lindt… well actually for me it’s just those two — but the Aussie people have spoken and it turns out that, overwhelmingly, we prefer Aldi’s Choceur range. Which begs the question, is there anything Aldi can’t do?

Canstar Blue’s 2021 chocolate blocks reviews compared Choceur, Lindt Excellence, Cadbury, Darrell Lea, Nestlé and Coles by “taste, range variety, packaging design, value for money and overall satisfaction” by giving each brand a score out of five stars.

Basically, shoppers review the product and Canstar collects the data to spit out the best brands. Aldi not only won, it dominated — scoring five stars in nearly all categories. Apparently, the only complaint Aussie shoppers have is that they want a bigger variety.

Now, Aldi is German, which is not far away from Switzerland, so it doesn’t overly surprise me that their choccie is good. What did shock me is that it beat out Cadbury given the Australian audience, but especially Lindt — which is clearly heaven for the tastebuds.

“We are so excited that our range of Choceur chocolate has been recognised in these awards,” said Adam Millauro ALDI Australia Chocolate Buying Director in response to the award announcement.

“Our chocolate is specially crafted in Europe and offers Aldi customers the best quality at the lowest price possible. This range also uses certified sustainably sourced cocoa, which supports fair working conditions and better opportunities for cocoa farmers, their families and our planet”.

What he’s referring to there is the fact that this Aldi-brand choccie is Fairtrade Certified and UTZ Certified (sustainably farmed). It also starts from $2.99 for a block.

You can check out the full results of the survey here, if you’re an avid choccie consumer. Given that Aldi has started selling their Special Buys ranges online, maybe we’ll get lucky and be able to start buying their chocolate in bulk online too? A person can dream.

Of course, once you get your hands on the chocolate you could just eat it in the regular way, or you could get creative with your comfort food. Especially given its winter, why not try giving it a little air fry with a recipe like this, or this? Trust me it’s bloody delicious and super easy.

(Lead image: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch)

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