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Westeros Is Going On A Worldwide Tour In A Huge New Interactive Exhibition

Westeros Is Going On A Worldwide Tour In A Huge New Interactive Exhibition

Game of Thrones is a great show, and it’s equally great at giving us an insight into its world. For that reason, we’ve got wine festivals, pop-up bars and walking tours that all celebrate the mythical and magical world of Westeros.

Now, the show’s production company, HBO, are creating an entire Game of Thrones exhibition. And it’s headed around the world!

Complete with official costumes, authentic props and actual set decorations, the exhibition aims to recreate the atmospheres of Westeros and Essos so fans will feel like they’re actually there. There’ll be displays of King’s Landing, the city of Mereen, the mysterious house of Black and White, the home of the Night’s Watch, and Castle Black.

screams internally

And, of course, the Iron Throne will be there for people to marvel at. No word on whether visitors can actually sit on it — it takes years of fighting, bloodshed and killing enemies to do that — but we’ll keep you posted.

Fight! Fight! Fight! Photo: GES Events

As you can imagine, with all of those mythical worlds and everything, it’s going to be pretty darn big. HBO states that the exhibition will sprawl over the space of one square kilometre.

The travelling exhibition will kick off in Europe in spring, but no dates have been confirmed. Fingers crossed that it won’t take long to come to Australia!

(Lead image: Game of Thrones/IMDB)

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