Here Are The Most Affordable Destinations In Europe To Visit Right Now

If you’re struggling with a serious case of FOMO watching all of your friends gallivanting across Europe right now, you’re not alone. We’re all dreaming of a European getaway, but with the rising cost of living, it may feel like little more than a distant dream right now.
But if you’re still desperate for a Euro trip without draining your bank account, you’re in luck because a new study from currency exchange service Post Office Travel Money has revealed the cheapest European cities, as well as the most expensive.
The study — commissioned by the UK Post Office — considers twelve different factors that you would usually spend money on during a two-night holiday. This includes a number of drinks, dinner (and a bottle of wine) for two people, two nights’ accommodation at a three-star hotel, transport around the city, and general sightseeing costs.
What the study DOESN’T account for is the cost of actually getting to these destinations, which is generally the most expensive part for Australian travellers. But if you’re already planning on being in Europe, this evaluation could help you prioritise which cities you can afford to tack on to the end of your trip.
Most Affordable European Cities To Visit Right Now

Athens, Greece (£207/$351)
Lisbon, Portugal (£218/$370)
Krakow, Poland (£219/$371)
Riga, Latvia (£220/$373)
Budapest, Hungary (£221/$375)
Prague, Czech Republic (£249/$422)
Madrid, Spain (£299/$507)
Berlin, Germany (£317/$538)
Dubrovnik, Croatia (£318/$540)
Rome, Italy (£347/$589)
Which Cities Are Most Expensive Right Now?

While it’s always great to know which cities are the most affordable, it’s also worth having a good grasp on which cities will set you back a bit more cash — especially if you’re planning on visiting those places too.
Amsterdam topped the list for the most expensive city at £592.79 ($1005), followed closely by Venice and Copenhagen at £455.75 ($774) and £456.92 ($775), respectively.
The report notes that hotel bed scarcity is the biggest reason for these cities being so expensive right now.
What Does This Mean For My Travel Plans?

According to the report’s findings, it’s actually cheaper to visit western European cities, rather than the eastern cities, for the first time in 15 years — which means it’s a great time to tick off the cities you may have missed on your last trip.
However, the report shouldn’t put a dampener on your plans for an Amsterdam trip.
Instead, it may just mean tweaking your itinerary to opt for more affordable dinner options, walking instead of taking public transport, or staying in a cheaper hotel to make your dollar stretch a little further while you’re abroad.