This Must Be The Least Relaxing Hammock in the World

Sinead Stubbins is a writer from Melbourne who has done…
Hammocks were originally constructed as a kind of human cocoon, allowing you the weightlessness of a newborn baby being cradled and the comfort that only occurs when you can relax all your muscles in unison. And now, that has been ruined forever.
A group of BASE jumpers in America have constructed a pentagon-shaped hammock in Utah that sits 120 metres off the ground. Suspended by the rock around it, the hammock is basically my worst nightmare and I cannot digest how happy all these lunatics are about it.
Named Mothership Space Net Penthouse , the hammock is 80 metres in diameter and has a hole in the middle for daredevils to jump out of.
It took 50 people three days to construct and by golly, it seems absolutely terrifying.
(All images by Brian Mosbaugh/Slacklinemedia)
Sinead Stubbins is a writer from Melbourne who has done stuff online for Junkee and TheVine and done stuff in print for Yen, Frankie, Smith Journal and Elle. She tweets about Drake, Gilmore Girls and cheeseburgers at @sineadstubbins.