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This Brooklyn Bar Has An All-Emoji Menu

This Brooklyn Bar Has An All-Emoji Menu

The ubiquity of emojis, a zeitgeist that has launched a thousand think-pieces, has either claimed another victory or continues to chip away at Western Civilisation, depending on your perspective.

One pop-up bar located in Brooklyn (of course) has debuted an all-emoji menu that will challenge guests to decipher its cryptic and often-punny symbolism before being allowed to order a drink. The idea was cooked up by Zach White and Tyler Caffall, managers behind the Sunken Harbor Club, a tropical tiki-themed night hosted by Fort Defiance.

White and Caffal’s all-emoji menu so far consists of eight classic cocktails, such as the “smiling poo + sheep emoji” (a Poo-Bah)  and the “teacup + key + moon emoji” ( Tiki Night). But if you’re not a frequent emoji user, don’t panic:  “I think we’ll let guests puzzle over it for a few minutes before we hand them the spelled-out menu,” said bar operator St John Frizzel. What do you think – is the Sunken Harbor Club bravely leading the way into a new era, or are they merely trying to keep out the Olds?





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