This Brooklyn Bar Has An All-Emoji Menu

Sophia Softky is an armchair philosopher and wayward American trying…
The ubiquity of emojis, a zeitgeist that has launched a thousand think-pieces, has either claimed another victory or continues to chip away at Western Civilisation, depending on your perspective.
One pop-up bar located in Brooklyn (of course) has debuted an all-emoji menu that will challenge guests to decipher its cryptic and often-punny symbolism before being allowed to order a drink. The idea was cooked up by Zach White and Tyler Caffall, managers behind the Sunken Harbor Club, a tropical tiki-themed night hosted by Fort Defiance.
White and Caffal’s all-emoji menu so far consists of eight classic cocktails, such as the “smiling poo + sheep emoji” (a Poo-Bah) and the “teacup + key + moon emoji” ( Tiki Night). But if you’re not a frequent emoji user, don’t panic: “I think we’ll let guests puzzle over it for a few minutes before we hand them the spelled-out menu,” said bar operator St John Frizzel. What do you think – is the Sunken Harbor Club bravely leading the way into a new era, or are they merely trying to keep out the Olds?
Sophia Softky is an armchair philosopher and wayward American trying to make her way in Melbourne. Sometimes she writes things, and sometimes they get published. She is a millenial and therefore lives inside of the Internet.