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These Coronavirus Travel Posters Will 11/10 Change Your Perspective On Staying Home

These Coronavirus Travel Posters Will 11/10 Change Your Perspective On Staying Home

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but we’re all more or less stuck at home for the time being. Weird? Yes. But Illustrator Jennifer Baer has designed a bunch of coronavirus travel posters to inspire us to stay home, and actually enjoy it.

We’re so used to seeing inspirational posters giving us a serious travel bug, why shouldn’t we flip it and reverse it? Obviously, no-one enjoys being forced to stay indoors, but these posters actually do a bloody good job of reminding us what we used to enjoy about staying home.

Remember when having the time to take a long bath was the height of luxury? Admittedly I don’t have a bath right now, but if I did I can promise you I’d basically live in there.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve accidentally killed just about every plant I’ve ever owned. I made a 2020 resolution to FINALLY become a good plant mum, and now is probably the best time to start. Watch this space.

While I’ll admit it tends to only be pleasurable in moderation, can we just revisit how ridiculously good it felt to get a WHOLE day being a lazy bitch, binge-watching shows and surfing the net.

As long as we’re adding plenty of other indoor activities to our lists, why should that pleasure have to change?

I don’t know about you, but these beautiful posters are just the inspo I need to shift my perspective a little.

(Lead Image: Twitter / @jenniferbaer)

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