Hell Yeah: ScoMo Just Committed To A Travel Bubble With Singapore

Grab your bags and download a language app, because it looks like the next travel bubble was just announced and mates, we’re heading to Singapore.
Scott Morrisonn met with Lee Hsien Loong (aka the Prime Minister of Singapore) on Thursday. While they chatted about several things, it seems that the countries have committed to forming a travel bubble.
In a joint statement released the same day, the two leaders “acknowledged the importance of open borders to the post-pandemic recovery and committed to resuming two-way cross-border travel when the public health situation in both countries permits”.
“They welcomed the ongoing discussions between border, health, transport, and other officials to identify detailed operational requirements for COVID-19-safe travel, including discussions on health and vaccination certificates”.
“They also discussed cooperating on welcoming the return of Singaporean students to Australia to continue with their studies”.
While this is so exciting that my little traveller heart is fluttering simply to add one more international country to the list of places I can visit, it’s not overly surprising seeing as Singapore actually opened its border to Australia a while ago.
The one caveat, as always, is that the opening of this bubble is still dependent on the Covid vaccine rollout — which Australia has been bloody terrible at so far.
“There is still some time before we reach that milestone,” Morrison said. “But there is nothing impeding us from getting on with the job of putting systems in place that will enable such a bubble to emerge between Singapore and Australia, as it does, now, occur between Australia and New Zealand“.
Speaking with Nine this morning, Defence Minister Peter Dutton reinforced that “the next step from there as the prime minister pointed out yesterday would be the trialling of this passport, the vaccination passport, so we can have the free arrangement”.
So look, ok, it’s still not immediate, but it’s a pretty solid lead and that’s enough to get me hyped up. I’m making a list of award-winning bars, parties and gardens already.
I’m also referring very closely to this list, trying to work out which country will be next on Australia’s travel bubble agenda.
(Lead image: Pexels / Kin Pastor)