Someone In Melbourne Has Been Making An Army Of Sand Penguins To Cheer People Up In Lockdown

Lockdown is a bitch, and my heart truly goes out to Melbourne, including a lot of my friends who live there. Amidst the shit, though, a woman is creating the most adorable sand sculptures on Altona Beach and it’s so wholesome.
Kel Devoil, aka Instagram user @melbourneminor, has been sharing her creations (that yes, are within her 10km radius) to Instagram, initially starting with a little army of some of the cutest sand penguins I’ve ever seen.
“We are spending lockdown four making sand penguins to cheer people up on their daily walk,” Kel said in a post.
She and her family have gotten more and more creative as lockdown continues. Personally, I’m living for this little beach cricket game, but a giant octopus and an equally large crab and even a turtle have also made it onto the sandy shores.
“It’s been such a nice distraction for us and lovely to talk to people on the beach who come each day to visit the penguins,” she said on another post.
“I know one teacher comes every day to take photos to show her class and a walking group made finding penguins one of their challenges”.
“Some people have even started adding to our creations with lots of other penguins and sea critters appearing over the last few days… It means a lot that we’ve been able to brighten lock down a little for the locals”.
You can listen to an ABC interview with Kel right here, just for little wholesome touch to your day. In summary, Kel for mayor.
(Lead image: Instagram / @melbourneminor)