Pizza Ice Cream Is Now A Real Thing And You Can Try It Right Now

Everyone loves pizza. Everyone loves ice cream. But what if they came together as one?
While ice cream is no doubt a tasty post-dinner treat, it’s not exactly considered a typical topping or addition to pizza itself.
Now, one special ice cream store has brought the two together at last. Philadelphia store Little Baby’s recently revealed its new concoction: pizza ice cream. It’s real, it’s for sale, and you can try it right now.

According to the store, the pizza ice cream is made with all the basic ingredients in pizza: tomato, basil, oregano, salt and garlic.
It sounds strange, sure, but it could well be damn delicious.

The store is already well-known for developing its own unique and unusual ice cream concoctions. Other regular menu flavours include Cucumber Dill (“cucumber juice and chopped fresh dill. Subtly pickle-ish”), Earl Grey Sriracha (“Sort of like spicy fruit loops!”), Pumpkin Curry (“pumpkin puree and yellow curry”) and even Irish Potato (“coconut cinnamon sugar balls chopped up and mixed into a salty potato chip flavoured ice cream”).
Savoury ice cream is hardly new. From bacon and eggs to extra virgin olive oil and even fish and chips, there are just as many savoury flavours out there as there are the more traditional sweet ones. It was only a matter of time before pizza ice cream became a thing, and frankly, we’re not complaining.
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