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Arnott’s Is Dropping Three Brand-New Biscuits Inspired By Classic Aussie Desserts

Arnott’s Is Dropping Three Brand-New Biscuits Inspired By Classic Aussie Desserts

If you grew up in Australia, you’ll have lots of very heated opinions on the best Arnott’s biccie.

You might be a long-time Kingston fan, an Iced Vovo aficionado, or believe that Tim Tams are the best biscuit in the world (correct).

Whatever your favourite is, you probably grew up with it at the top of your personal food pyramid. It’s unlikely anything will change your mind, but if there’s one thing that can, it’s the latest announcement from Arnott’s.

Arnott’s is releasing three new dessert-inspired biscuits.

The Aussie biccie gods are releasing a Lamington Iced VoVo, a Mud Cake Shortbread Cream and a Salted Caramel Tart Scotch Finger.

The Iced VoVo Lamington biscuit replaces the regular topping with a chocolate fondant and coconut sprinkles. The new Shortbread Cream flavour puts deliciously smooth chocolate cream in between two choccy shortbread biscuits. As for the new Scotch Finger Caramel Tart biccie, it’s infused with crunchy caramel chunks and a salty bite.

Pretty incredible stuff, if you ask us.

“As a nation, innovation is at the heart of our identity, so combined with our great love for desserts and passion for biscuits, this new launch is the perfect balance of past and future,” said Arnott’s Marketing Manager Claire Brycki. “Not to mention that they’re delicious”.

The new range is dropping in Coles stores around Australia today. Sounds like it’s time to schedule a grocery run and take an extra bag to carry the load.

This big, huge news comes at a time when Arnott’s is already wowing us with weekly recipe releases. So far they’ve released the recipe for the Monte Carlo, Scotch Finger and Iced VoVo as well as a Tim Tam brownie and Nice biscuit cheesecake.

(Images supplied by Arnott’s)

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