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The Greatest Marvel Movie Locations You Can Visit Right Now

The Greatest Marvel Movie Locations You Can Visit Right Now


We’ve all dreamt of being a superhero at some point, right?

Well, although it’s (unfortunately) true that we might not be able to build ourselves a fully articulated suit like Iron Man, or become the king of a long-secret society like Black Panther, at the very least we can follow those heroes around the globe like the star-struck stans that we are.


Yep, that’s right – many of the most impressive locales in Marvel history aren’t just a load of CGI trickery, dreamt up by studio eggheads. They’re real places; far-flung utopias that you can go and visit right flippin’ now if you want to.

To that end, here are the six most gobsmacking Marvel movie locations from around the world.

#1 Germany’s Leipzig/Halle Airport – Captain America: Civil War

Feel like recreating Captain America: Civil War’s climactic airport battle? Well, you’re in luck: the scene was shot in Germany’s Leipzig/Halle airport, the 13th largest airstrip in the country.

Recreate the Marvel showdown of your dreams at a German airport
For the record, we’re guessing airport security probably won’t appreciate your recreation efforts.

Of course, there’s an advantage to setting an airport as one of your holiday destinations: you can tick an item off your bucket list as soon as the plane touches down.

Not, mind you, that we suggest sticking only to the airport, as impressive as it might be: while you’re in Germany, why not head over to the small town of Schlafen im Weinfass and sleep the night inside a wine barrel? 

#2 Georgia’s Downtown Cartersville – Spider-Man: Homecoming

If you feel like following in the footsteps of everybody’s favourite webslinger, Spider-Man, why not take a trip to Cartersville, a quiet city in the Northwest of Georgia?

Much of Spider-Man: Homecoming was shot in Georgia
We’d recommend enjoying Georgia at a slightly slower pace than Spider-Man.

That’s where much of Spider-Man: Homecoming was filmed – eagle-eyed viewers of that film would have spotted glimpses of Cartersville’s famous, wonderfully quaint railway depot throughout.

Better yet, the city boasts a number of Marvel walking tours, so you can soak in Cartersville’s unique atmosphere while walking the path of some of your favourite costumed heroes.

#3 Argentina’s Iguazu Falls – Black Panther

Look, although Wakanda – very sadly – might not be real, Black Panther wasn’t wholly shot on a soundstage. Indeed, some of the most gobsmacking shots in the movie were filmed at far-flung locations around the world, from South Korea to South Africa.

Perhaps most impressive of all, however, are the shots of Iguazu Falls in Argentina. Black Panther stans (and I know there are a lot of you out there – that movie made a mountain of money) will recognise the Falls from the scene in which the villainous Erik Killmonger defeats T’Challa, AKA Black Panther himself, in vicious hand to hand combat.

Marvel's Black Panther features the Igazu Falls of Argentina
Look at that view! (We’re one hundred per cent talking about the Falls, by the way, we promise.)


#4 Brazil’s Lençois Maranhenses National Park – Avengers: Infinity War

My guess is not many of you have ever dreamed of visiting Vormir, the barren planet that perennial pain in the butt Thanos travels to in Avengers: Infinity War in order to retrieve the Soul Stone.

Not gonna lie to you: that Thanos? He's a bit of a jerk.
Pictured: Thanos, being difficult.

But that’s something that you should rectify right now, because Vormir, as unappealing as it might look, was actually shot in one of the most jaw-dropping parks in Brazil.

Lençois Maranhenses is a stunning mix of rolling sand dunes and deep, aquamarine lagoons. It’s also home to a range of stunning animal life, including four protected species, so don’t let Infinity War fool you: there’s life on Vormir after all.

#5 Australia’s South East Queensland – Thor: Ragnarok

Wanna get in on the Marvel action but not looking to travel very far? Then why not head over to South East Queensland, where key scenes from the unbelievably entertaining Thor: Ragnarok were filmed.

Heimdall loves South Australia, apparently
Imagine being able to look that badass while wearing that get-up.

Yep, that’s right: the Forests Of Asgard, pictured during Heimdall’s flight in the film, were shot in our very own backyard. Thanks for thinking of us, eternal bae Taika Waititi!

#6 California’s Irvine – Iron Man

If there’s one surefire way to become a superhero, it’s to go and pester Tony Stark for a bit (hey, it worked for Spider-Man.)

Marvel's Iron Man is an ornery old hero
To be fair, Tony Stark is incredibly easy to pester.

So, all you wannabe avengers are in luck: Stark Industries is a real place, located in the bustling city of Irvine.

Okay, sure, so in reality the building’s not actually called Stark Industries: it’s Masimo, a company that specialises in medical technology. But hey, don’t let the facts get in the way of your journey.

And anyway, Irvine is a beautiful city in its own right, best known for its Great Park, which boasts a carousel and a hot air balloon. Who could say no to that?

(Lead image: Black Panther / Marvel)

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