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The Ultimate Travel Bucket List For Meme Lovers

The Ultimate Travel Bucket List For Meme Lovers

meme travel harambe you know i had to do it to em

Some people travel to broaden their horizons, others travel to feed their soul, and gain a more complex perspective on this thing we call life. But truthfully, not enough people do it purely for the memes.

For real though, we’re calling it – meme travel is going to be the greatest trend the industry has ever seen, and it’s kicking off now, in 2020.


Don’t let your memes be dreams, kids. Here are five real-life locations of some of your favourite dumb stuff, courtesy of the internet.

harambe gorilla cincinatti zoo
Image: Jason Miklacic / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Harambe (The Gorilla Who Died)

Where? Cincinnati Zoo – 3400 Vine St, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

When the world woke on May 28, 2016 it became apparent that things would never truly be the same.

In case you missed it, a three-year-old boy climbed into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio, USA, and was grabbed and dragged by Harambe, a 17-year-old western lowland gorilla. Fearing for the boy’s life, a zoo worker shot and killed Harambe.


If the magic formula is that comedy equals tragedy plus time, the internet did not abide by those rules, and what ensued became — we’re calling it — the greatest meme of all time.

What to check out the meme’s birthplace in the flesh? Get your butt to Cincinnati Zoo.


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Double Rainbow

Where? Yosemite National Park, California, USA

If you ever wanted to feel old, just know it’s been 10 years since the totally viral “double rainbow” video was posted to YouTube.

If you’ve not seen it (where’ve you been) it’s a three-and-a-half-minute video of a guy filming and commentating on a pretty cool rainbow he’s discovered. It quickly dissolves into him completely losing his mind once realising it’s a “DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE SKY!”


It’s blessed us with quotes like, “what does it mean?!” and our favourite “[inaudible sobbing]”.

Honestly, if you haven’t already, watch the clip above. It’s one of the rare moments where the internet is wholesome and unproblematic. Or, try and find your own double rainbow in the video’s setting, Yosemite National Park in California.


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Where? Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

When video-sharing platform Vine was introduced back in 2013, there was no way anybody could have predicted the straight-up comedy gold that it’d produce.

The platform has since ceased to exist and has been surpassed by its hotter, sexier younger brother, TikTok. Though it may be gone, it’ll never be forgotten, thanks to the straight-up comedy gold of videos like this one.


Keen to recreate this masterpiece? After extensive research, turns out it was shot at Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.

You know I had to do it to ’em

Where? 14304 Capitol Drive, Tampa Florida, USA

The “you know I had to to do it to ’em” meme is one you either just get, or you don’t. There’s no real in-between.

In short, it’s a Photoshop meme based on a picture of Twitter user LuckyLuciano17k standing on a sidewalk wearing a light-coloured shirt and shorts with the caption “You know I had to do it to em.” Little did he know it’d become arguably one of the biggest memes of all time.


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Since then, the meme has been edited countless ways — all different, but equally hilarious.


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People managed to track the actual location down — 14304 Capitol Drive, Tampa Florida — and there’s even been a petition to make the street a US national landmark. The devil works hard, but the internet works harder.

Bliss (Windows XP Wallpaper)

This is a pretty niche meme, but the origin is as follows. According to Know Your Meme the image we all know, titled “Bliss” was first released to the public as the default wallpaper for Windows XP on October 25, 2001. But, in 2006 internet users began to parody it, with the first edited image featuring fighter jets zooming through the sky above the mountain in the image.


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The image was shot in Sonoma, California, in Californian wine country and the photographer claims the image wasn’t digitally enhanced at all. Hard to believe considering this is what it supposedly looks like nowadays.


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Regardless, the subject of the image has been dubbed the world’s most viewed mountain. So, if you’re a nerd for internet culture, this is a complete must-see.

What’re you waiting for? Take your meme obsession to the next level and go global.

(Lead image: Jason Miklacic / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0) and Twitter user LuckyLuciano17k)

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