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Shrekfest Is Exactly What You Think, And It Has To Be Seen To Be Believed

Shrekfest Is Exactly What You Think, And It Has To Be Seen To Be Believed


When DreamWorks released the first Shrek film back in 2001, there’s no way in hell they could have predicted what was to come. The innocent kid’s flick has become what is arguably the biggest meme of all time, and for that, we are eternally grateful.


What’s the best way to celebrate such an iconic piece of pop culture? Shrekfest, that’s what.

It’s exactly what you think it is – an all-day celebration of everything Shrek, held annually in Madison, Wisconsin.


The festival first started back in 2014 as a dumb prank, well before Facebook events were a meme. But when thousands of people said they wanted to attend, the organisers thought, “why the Shrek not?” and decided to make it a reality. And today, Shrekfest is bigger and mightier than ever.

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So what can festivalgoers expect? Well, there will be free Shrek-themed refreshments, a costume contest, an onion eating contest (obvi), a roaring competition, video games, Shrek merch, and – of course – a screening of the 2001 cult classic, Shrek.

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Don’t let your memes be dreams. Shrekfest is happening on Sunday, September 2 at McPike Park, Madison, Wisconsin. It’s everyone’s swamp.

Not a fan of the greatest film of all time? Get Shrekt, m8.

How To Get There

  • Fly Qantas to Dallas, Texas
  • Catch a connecting OneWorld Partner flight to Madison, Wisconsin
  • Take the 20 to E Gorham & N Ingerson
  • Walk 750m
  • Shrekfest — McPike Park, 202 S Ingersoll St, Madison

[qantas_widget code=DFW]Check out Qantas flights to Dallas.[/qantas_widget]


(Lead image: Shrekfest)

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