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People In Self-Isolation Are Distracting Themselves By Making ‘Animal Crossing’ Memes

People In Self-Isolation Are Distracting Themselves By Making ‘Animal Crossing’ Memes

Animal Crossing: All The Best Memes About 'New Horizons'

We can all agree that this point in time would be a great moment to run away to our very own deserted island, but sadly that’s not really an option. Except if you’re playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, that is.

The game dropped over the weekend on Nintendo Switch, and people have been absolutely obsessed ever since. It’s not hard to understand why: literally all the game asks from you is to peace out on an island with a couple of cute animal friends.

The series has always been popular, but at a time when we’re all stuck indoors, a game about planting trees, exploring nature and hanging out with friends hits different.

Developers even said they hope the game can help distract people from coronavirus. “I am very disheartened and saddened by the events happening across the world,” New Horizons producer Hisashi Nogami told The Verge. “Considering the timing, we hope that a lot of the Animal Crossing fans will use this as an escape, so they can enjoy themselves during this difficult time.”

Of course, people’s extreme passion for the game has translated into a bunch of incredible memes.

Here are 20 of the best memes from Animal Crossing: New Horizons:













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(Lead image: Animal Crossing: New Horizons / Nintendo)

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