This Brewery Has Created Tiny Pubs Just For Hedgehogs
Maybe you thought you’d seen it all – but have you seen tiny pubs designed especially for hedgehogs so they can hibernate safely? I didn’t think so. Check this out: A pub in the United Kingdom has teamed up with the British Hedgehog Preservation Society to help protect these little guys by designing and selling miniature pubs in which the hedgehogs can hibernate all winter long in safety.
It’s dangerous being a hedgehog in the United Kingdom – population numbers of the species is in decline, a trend which the Hedgehog Preservation Society is trying to reverse. Providing safe places for the animals to hibernate is one way people can help them thrive.
[related_articles]72817[/related_articles]That was Camden Town Brewery‘s aim when it released The Hibernation Arms huts – the miniature pub making the perfect hedgehog hibernation spot. The pubs, which are sold out now (they originally cost £65 / AU$126 with 100% of funds going to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society), will appear in purchasers’ backyards or nearby hedgehog habitats to help the little guys get through the winter.
If you’re still keen to help out hedgehog preservation in the UK, you can do so by donating to the preservation society, or buying Camden Town Brewery’s Hells In Hibernation Lager – a portion of all sales go towards the same cause.
If miniature buildings for animals is your very specific passion, you’ll also love that the smallest McDonald’s in the world is in Sweden, and it was made just for bees. And in hedgehog news, check out this adorable camping hedgehog, who also had his own line of stamps in Japan.
(All images: Camden Town Brewery)