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A Huge Craft Beer Festival Will Be Touring Australia With 120 Never-Tasted Brews

A Huge Craft Beer Festival Will Be Touring Australia With 120 Never-Tasted Brews

If there is a pleasure in this life purer than a tasting flight of craft beer, I simply do not know it. So when there’s a whole festival dedicated to this experience, that’s something I need to know about.

Of course, that’s exactly what GABS Beer Festival has been doing for years now. Almost 10 years, to be exact — since their decade celebrations will be taking place around Australia (in real life, and not forced to go virtual like 2020) in May and June.


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“We have already received lots of messages about how excited people are about getting back to GABS — both the visitors and the brewers. People can’t wait to get back together and celebrate their love for great Aussie craft beers,” said GABS organiser, Mike Bray, in a statement.

The real pull of GABS — as opposed to say, doing a brewery crawl through Marrickville — is that brewers and cider makers create brews specifically to debut at the festival.

“At the heart of the event are the 120 ‘Festival Beers & Ciders’ made especially for GABS each year by Australia and New Zealand’s leading brewers and cider makers,” continued Bray.

“Many of these brews go on to be legends in the brewing world, for example, Feral’s Biggie Juice, Two Birds Taco beer and Yeastie Boys Gunnamatta, which were launched as GABS festival beers, but are now staples in the craft brewing industry. We will be celebrating these legends at the 10th Edition as well as the new festival beers”.


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There will also be local food trucks so you’re not drinnking on an empty stomach, plus a wine bar, silent disco and more.

The festival will be kicking of Sydney, making its way to Melbourne and Brisbane after that. You can book tickets here, and check out the exact dates below.

  • Sydney: Sydney Showground, Olympic Park — May 7 to 8.
  • Melbourne: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre — May 21 to 23
  • Brisbane: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Bank — June 12


(Lead image: provided by GABS Festival)

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