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How To Get Involved In ANZAC Day Commemorations From Home

How To Get Involved In ANZAC Day Commemorations From Home

Coming up this weekend on Saturday, April 25, is one of Australia’s most important memorial events: ANZAC Day. While normally there are dawn services, trips to the Kokoda Trail and games of Two-Up at your local RSL or pub, 2020 is looking very different.

Different, but not forgotten. While all public ANZAC services may have been cancelled due to current social distancing laws, there are many ways to mark the occasion in your own home, or by joining in online.

Five ways to pay your respects during ANZAC Day in isolation.

#1 Light Up The Dawn


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RSLs across the country are asking people to join their online event, Light Up The Dawn. The deal is, at dawn on ANZAC Day, you go stand at the end of your driveway, on your balcony — or where ever you can — in remembrance. There will be an online service to tune into while you do so.

RSVP to the Facebook event here, find the online service here and use #ANZACspirit and #lightupthedawn if you choose to share a message of support.

AWOL’s parent company, oOh!media, is also getting in on the spirit of the day, partnering with the RSL to help spread the message. Ooh Media will be amplifying the Light Up The Dawn message across it’s out of home advertising network on bus shelters and billboards, and in shopping centres and train stations.

Ooh Media, Anzac Day

#2 Be a mate

Use this opportunity to practice the ANZAC value of mateship by checking in with your own, or a veteran, who may find themselves alone. Check they’re ok, have a chat, and if they are a veteran, thank them for their service. We need each other more than ever at this time.

#3 Tune in online


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The Australian War Memorial in Canberra may not be able to open their commemorative service to the public this year, but they will be televising and live-streaming it. You can watch it on ABC TV and iView from 5am or via their website, Facebook and YouTube channels.

The ANZAC Memorial in Sydney will also have a live broadcast of their service later in the morning at 10am. Again, you can tune in on ABC TV or via their Facebook page.

#4 Donate to the ANZAC Appeal

It’s a difficult time for all of us, and some of our veterans and their families are in need of assistance. You can donate to the ANZAC Appeal to help with crisis accommodation, emergency financial help, or physical and mental health support for those most in need. Find more details and support the cause over here.

#5 Learn more about our ANZACs

Posted by Ancestry on Saturday, April 18, 2020

One of the most important ways you can commemorate our ANZACs is by educating yourself about what they did for our country. From Tuesday April 21 until Friday April 24, Ancestry and the Department of Veteran Affairs are launching a series of free live-streamed discussions, hosted by experts.

You can tune in and find a schedule on Ancestry’s Facebook page.

(Lead Image: Instagram / @anzacappeal)

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