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Taco Ice Cream Now Exists And You Can Try It Today

Taco Ice Cream Now Exists And You Can Try It Today

Taco ice cream is officially a real thing, which exists in the world. And you’re able to taste it right now, thanks to Sweet Cup, an innovative ice cream store based in Garden Grove, California.

Now, we’re not talking about taco-flavoured ice cream. Been there, done that, right? We’ve told you about pizza-flavoured ice cream before, and savoury flavours like extra virgin olive oil and fish and chips are increasingly common too.

But what’s different – and some may say better – about taco ice cream, is that it still contains the traditional sweet flavours you know and love, but they look like tacos. Really cool, colourful, rainbow tacos, that is.

Screen Shot 2017-06-22 at 11.18.53 AM
Photo: Sweet Cup/Instagram

The ice cream is hand-rolled inside the taco shell-shaped ice cream cones, with all your favourite toppings sprinkled on top.

The end result almost looks too beautiful to eat:

taco ice cream

But somehow, we think we’ll manage, because these look like the tastiest treats in the whole wide world.

This one even comes with a fortune cookie for added luck:

taco ice cream

(All images: Sweet Cup/Facebook unless otherwise specified)

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