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You Can Now Buy A Robotic “Apartment-In-A-Box” In The US

You Can Now Buy A Robotic “Apartment-In-A-Box” In The US

Buying any kind of home or property seems wildly out of reach for, well, basically all of us. The idea of buying a home is unfathomable for most, but that’s all about to change, thanks to one forward-thinking company.

After years of research and development at MIT, Ori Systems was first announced last July. It’s a tiny “apartment-in-a-box”, complete with a mechanical robotic “furniture system” which moves and changes between an office, bedroom and living area at the simple touch of a button. In terms of furniture, you’ll find a bed, closet, drawers, desk and even storage space and an entertainment centre which slides out when in use.

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One space can transform from a bedroom to party in moments.

So while the “box” itself is really, really tiny – 18.6 square metres – it’s incredibly versatile, and perfect for those living in overpopulated and expensive cities where even renting an apartment can be difficult, let alone purchasing one.


The apartment will be available in many major US and Canadian cities, including New York City, San Francisco, Chicago and Boston. It’s available in two sizes, Ori Full and Ori Queen. Both include a retractable bed which transforms into an office and storage area, with room left for an entertainment system, and even space to invite guests over.


The way it’s all put together almost feels likest’s been folded together, so it’s only appropriate that Ori Systems takes its name from the Japanese folding art, origami.

What’s more is that it takes almost no electricity to operate, and can be powered through a standard circuit. It all works thanks to an app, which allows homeowners to create a variety of automatic settings, while some will even respond to voice commands.

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The project, first conceived at MIT Media Lab, saw an award-winning prototype developed back in 2014, and the final product is available for pre-order right now. Valued at USD$10,000 (AU$13,300), it’s sure to be a smart and remarkably affordable investment for any prospective homeowners.


(All images: Ori Systems)

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