You Can Totally Stay In A Sandcastle Hotel In Europe Right Now
Your childhood dreams of building a sandcastle big enough to live in have just been realised.
The Zand Hotel has built two sandcastle hotels in the Netherlands because, well, why the hell not? Along with event company Global PowWow, Zand have created two remarkably detailed sandcastles to coincide with the annual sculpture festivals in the southwest town of Sneek and the municipality of Oss in the Dutch south.
Inside the castles are one room suites complete with a double bed, a fully functioning toilet and shower, windows and intricately carved little sandcastles scattered around.
And while not actually all of the hotel is made of sand (imagine the discomfort in the bathroom if that were the case), the majority of it is. These fully-furnished rooms are hidden inside giant eight-metre structures – the castle in Oss is decorated with dragons, the Terracotta Army and a Great Wall of China, and the castle in Sneek is modelled after the Flinstones’ hometown of Bedrock.
And unlike the mediocre small castles that you make on the beach, these one have running water, electricity and Wi-Fi. Sadly, they aren’t equipped with moats full of seawater – a huge missed opportunity there.
One night at Zand Hotel in the Netherlands will set you back around € 150 ($235AUD) which includes a two person stay at the magical sand hotel, breakfast, wireless internet in your room, toiletries and a personal tour of the sculpture festival.
Sadly, these particular hotels are only temporary and will close once the festivals end in early October, but Zand Hotel have plans to open similar hotels next year in Germany and the UK. Keep and eye on their website with your bucket and spade at the ready – you never know, they might need some budding sandcastle architects from Australia to join their cause.
Live out your childhood fantasy – check out Qantas flights to Europe here.