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Easter Is Saved Now Woolies Is Selling Select Easter Showbags In-Store

Easter Is Saved Now Woolies Is Selling Select Easter Showbags In-Store

While I’m fully aware that the Sydney Royal Easter Show is meant to be for kids, I have to admit I still love it despite heading into my third decade around the sun.

If free food samples in the Woolworths tent and buying a bunch of showbags with more junk food than you ever needed doesn’t excite you too, then you’re lying.

Well, I can’t help you with the free food samples, although I can direct you to a bunch of amazing local restaurants who will deliver mouth-watering meals to your home. So you can just chop those up and make believe?

What I CAN help you with, though, is the news that 210 Woolworths stores across New South Wales will be stocking a range of the most popular showbags you would have bought at the Easter Show.

*Pauses for reaction*

“With familiar traditions more important than ever during this challenging time, we wanted to do something special for those that have been left disappointed by the Sydney Royal Easter Show’s cancellation,” said Woolworths NSW General Manager, Michael Mackenzie in a statement.

There are 12 Easter Show bags available.

The curated collection, in partnership  with Bensons Showbags, will bring you 12 themed bags for $30 each. Because I understand the importance of planning ahead, those 12 bags are: Bakugan, Barbie, Friends, Hatchimals, Harry Potter, Hot Wheels, LOL, Paw Patrol, Peter Rabbit, PJ Masks, Pokemon and Stranger Things.

I would genuinely like to know where the heck my Bertie Beetle bag is but otherwise, Harry Potter and Stranger Things for me, please and thank you.

The bags are available from today, you can check out which stores have them stock right here. Then you can get the rest of your Easter supplies sorted over here.

(Lead Image: Provided)

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