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Good News Guys, You Can Stream The Original ‘Fleabag’ Theatre Show Online

Good News Guys, You Can Stream The Original ‘Fleabag’ Theatre Show Online

It’s impossible to mention Fleabag and not have a chorus of “OMG I love that show!” follow afterwards. Obviously, now is the perfect time to re-watch the TV show from start to finish — but now you can watch the original one-woman theatre show that inspired the whole thing online too.

Creative genius behind 2019’s hottest theatre show, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, is working with Amazon and Soho Theatre to get the show up around the world. Originally recorded at Wyndham’s Theatre, it’ll be available online to Australian audiences as of Friday April 10 for two weeks via Soho Theatre on Demand.


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Fleabag will be ‘ready to see you’ for the next THREE weeks! (link in bio) . . . Phoebe Waller-Bridge, DryWrite, Soho Theatre and Annapurna Theatre, in partnership with National Theatre Live in London and Amazon Prime Video, have joined together to make the critically acclaimed filmed theatre production of FLEABAG available to stream to raise funds for several UK based charities that are on the front lines of combatting the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting those affected by it. . . . #FleabagForCharity #PeopleAreAllWeGot . . . ‘Now go get into bed with Fleabag! It’s for charity!’ Phoebe Waller-Bridge . . . – don’t put in the www’s…y’all don’t need it this time . . . @fleabagforcharity @national_emergencies_trust_ @nhscharitiestogether @actingforothers #drywrite @annapurnapics @nationaltheatre @amazonprimevideo @primevideouk @chescmood #fleabag #phoebewallerbridge

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For £4.00 (about $8 Aussie dollars), you can download the production for 48-hours of viewing pleasure. What’s more, the reason it’s being made available to stream online is to raise money for several UK charities that are helping out with the coronavirus pandemic.

These include the National Emergencies TrustNHS Charities Together and Acting for Others. The last of which is providing support to theatre workers finding themselves without a job.

On top of that, there’s a special Fleabag Support Fund which aims to give UK theatre industry freelancers grants of £2,500. Which is more of the good energy the world needs right now.

“I hope this filmed performance of Fleabag can help raise money while providing a little theatrical entertainment in these isolated times,” said Waller-Bridge.

Let’s be real though, it’s not like you needed extra reasons to steam the show. Watch it here.

(Lead Image: Instagram / @bbcfleabag)

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