Um, Warner Bros. Studios Are Hosting Breakfast At Hogwarts Next Month
In the grand tradition of inviting Muggles to exclusive Hogwarts events like Christmas feasts and Valentine’s Day dinners, the Warner Bros. Studio Tour have decided to do one better this time – next month you’ll be able to have a real-deal Hogwarts breakfast in the Great Hall.
Dreams really do come true.
The London based studio tour is letting a bunch of extra special Potterheads experience breakfast at Hogwarts, where guests will spend an enchanting Sunday morning eating, revelling in and snooping around the dining hall used in the Harry Potter films.
Fans are invited to watch dawn break over the Hogwarts castle model while enjoying an exclusive breakfast reception – rumour has it they’ve spared no expense when it comes to detail, right down to the boxes of Pixie Puffs and Cheeri Owls to devour.

Guests will then be able to check out the authentic studio sets, including the Gryffindor common room, Dumbledore’s office, the Weasley Kitchen at the Burrow and the iconic Platform 9¾ that houses the original Hogwarts Express train. Following a complimentary glass of authentic Butterbeer at the Backlot Cafe, you’ll then be able to step inside Harry’s childhood home at 4 Privet Drive before wandering the streets of Diagon Alley.
Breakfast at Hogwarts takes place on Sunday August 21 and Sunday August 28 only. Tickets are £95 per person (which is about $164AUD) – it’s probably the perfect excuse to take advantage of that post-Brexit Pound, wouldn’t you say? Get yours here.
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