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Tom From Myspace Is Now A Budding Travel Photographer

Tom From Myspace Is Now A Budding Travel Photographer

So what does the face of a $35 million social media site do once he calls it quits? Well he heads out on an adventure, of course.

Tom Anderson was everyone’s first “friend” on Myspace. By the early 00s, his grainy but cheerful face was plastered all over, inevitably prompting News Corp to buy out the site for cool $580 million in 2005. So when Tom (the site’s co-founder and strategic advisor) eventually left Myspace in 2009, he did so with a nice chunk of change in his pocket.

Since then, he’s fallen off the radar a little. According to his Twitter bio, Tom’s now “retired” and is spending most of his days travelling the world and taking photos. And for someone whose infamous first photo was a pixelated mess, the results are pretty impressive.

A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on

His passion for photography began after visiting Burning Man in 2011, where his friend and photographer Trey Ratcliff showed him the ropes. Speaking to ABC News in September 2014, Tom said of his pictures: “I’m not necessarily trying to represent nature exactly. I’m trying to make something beautiful like a painter would.”

A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on

Tom’s spent the last few years shooting National Geographic-style landscapes all across the world, leaving some drool-worthy evidence on his Instagram page.

A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on

A few weeks ago Tom was in Chile, capturing the magnificent Torres Del Paine National Park.

A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on

He’s also travelled across Iceland, China, Italy, the Phillipines, Taiwan, China, Canada, most of the US and countless other bucket-list destinations.

A photo posted by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on

It’s fair to say we’re pretty jealous. See more of Tom’s travels over on his Instagram.

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