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Time To Brush Up Your Photography Skills With Free Online Classes Led By The Pros

Time To Brush Up Your Photography Skills With Free Online Classes Led By The Pros

By the looks of everyone’s social media accounts, coronavirus lockdown is basically triggering the next renaissance. It’s the best time to pick up a hobby and learn a few new skills (or not, absolutely only if you want to).

If you’re on the hobby bandwagon and looking for a new trick to have up your sleeve, why not try out your photography skills?

Nikon has announced free digital photography online classes until April 30. Considering they’re normally $15 to $50 a pop, this is kind of a huge deal. Now you just have to create a login and away you go!

You can choose from 10 different courses which cover topics from photographing pets and children to shooting landscapes to recording video. Why?

“Nikon’s mission has always been to empower creators. In these uncertain times, we can do that by helping creators stay inspired, engaged and growing,” explains Nikon’s website.

“That’s why we’re providing all of our courses free for the entire month of April. Let’s come out of this even better.”

If you’re a complete newbie to the game, try starting with their Fundamentals of Photography’ class, led by professional photographer Reed Hoffman and aiming to help you master the basics.

If you’re already pretty keen on the whole taking-of-photos thing, you can take classes that get a little more into the nitty gritty of it all. Like Macro Photography with professional photographer and Nikon Ambassador Joey Terrill. Or Dynamic Landscape Photography with professional photographer Taylor Glenn.

If you’re feeling inspired after your class, you can also stream a range of talks and discussions from the pros with the Nikon Live Series.

Lights, camera, action.

(Lead Image: Pexels /Hamann La)

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