This Mirrored House In The Californian Desert Is An Instagram Dream
An artist in the Coachella desert has designed a mirrored ranch style house that seems to appear and disappear before your eyes.
The artist’s name is Doug Aitkin and he created his installation artwork as part of the Desert X exhibition in the Coachella desert, California. The title of the artwork is Mirage and it is designed to melt into the landscape, both mirroring and absorbing the desert that surrounds it. It is described as, “a continually changing encounter in which subject and object, inside and outside are in constant flux.”
Desert X will run until April 30 but Mirage will stay open until October. If you had a chance to head down to the Coachella Valley desert, it’s a free exhibition, so you’d be nuts to miss it. As well as Aitkin’s Mirage piece, there are a number of impressive installations on display, including a range of billboards that directly copy the horizon behind them along the Gene Autry Trail and a life size sculpture of a woman dipped in blue. You can find out more info on the artwork here.
(Lead photo: jeffrypowers/Instagram)
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