This Is The Best Country, According To Millenials
U.S. News & World Report’s new “Best Countries” ranking has pitted country v. country in a battle for the ages – well, for Millennials, at least – crowning Canada the number one pick for 18-to-35-year-olds.
The report and rankings are based on global perceptions; namely how they can come to define countries and how that directly affects national economies. A set of attributes were collated and presented in a survey to more than 16,000 people from across the world. Participants assessed just how closely they associated countries with particular attributes.
Canada was praised for its adherence to entrepreneurship, religious freedom, transparent government practices (which might have something to do with this guy), a good job market, as well as overall friendly people and bountiful quality of life. Not to mention the place is goddamn beautiful, so it’s a bit of a no-brainer.
[related_articles]6122,23644,21382,21556[/related_articles]Germany, which actually took out the top prize for Best Countries overall, took out the second place prize in the Millennials’ pick. This progressive and economically stable European country ranked highest in entrepreneurship and power. Australia snuck in at number six, with voters naming the iconic Aussie way of life a big turn on, and calling us happy, modern and friendly. Aw, shucks!
Here’s how Millennials ranked the Best Countries in the world.
#1 Canada
#2 Germany
#3 United Kingdom
#4 Japan
#5 United States
#6 Australia
#7 Sweden
#8 France
#9 Denmark
#10 Netherlands
While Canada was voted our generation’s overall favourite, Australia actually took out the gong for best countries to live from the Millenial Pick, with our laid-back lifestyle and wide open spaces looked upon favourably. In this category, Australia was quickly followed by Canada, Italy and our neighbours to the east, New Zealand.
The survey also covered the best countries for dating according to Millennials, with nearly 6000 18-to-35-year-olds citing Brazil as their best bet. The country is known for its beaches, sport and beautiful people and was ranked favourably for being fun, friendly, sexy and approachable.
You can check out the fill report here. Anyone else thinking about a little Canadian detour?
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