The Best Countries For Quality Of Life Have Been Announced

Josephine is a staff writer at Junkee Media. You can…
Scandinavia really knows how to keep its people happy. Despite the weather getting very cold, the people in Scandinavian countries manage to stay sunny year round. The proof is in the 2017 Social Progress Index, a survey that recently announced the best countries for quality of life and you can find half of the top 10 in Scandinavia.
The 2017 Social Progress Index looked at the basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing and opportunity across all the countries in the world and determined which ones came out on top. The survey aims to figure out not only how individual countries do, but how the world is doing as a whole.
The findings indicate that since 2014 we’ve collectively progressed from an overall rating of 63.19 per cent out of 100 to 64.85, a relatively small increase but an increase all the same. Hey, we must be doing something right.
But of course, you’re here to find out which countries are absolutely killing it and here they are. The 10 countries you should visit to find the best quality of life:
#9 Australia and New Zealand

Pack up that friendly rivalry everybody because it turns out that citizens of Australia and New Zealand are enjoying themselves just as much as each other. Both countries received a score of 89.3 per cent on quality of life. Good job to us, I reckon.
#8 Sweden
Sweden scored 89.66 per cent on quality of life for being very pretty and full of nice people. If you’re sad that you don’t live there too, never fear, they’ve listed the entire country on Airbnb for everyone to enjoy.
#7 The Netherlands
The Netherlands is so good to live in that they’re turning their prisons into hotels because they don’t need them anymore. If that doesn’t tell you a lot about a country, I don’t know what does.
#6 Canada
Canada isn’t just a nice place for the people, but for their wildlife too. And bike paths.
#5 Switzerland
Famously neutral, progressive and fair, Switzerland scored an impressive 90.10 per cent. It seems that the Swiss don’t have too much to worry about. Oh, except the fact that no one is staying in their beautiful cabins. Maybe it’s time for you to pay a visit?
#3 Iceland and Norway

Another tie in the top ten, Iceland and Norway scored a matching 90.27 per cent on quality of life. Both have insanely beautiful scenery, both have terribly lovely people and both have really nice hotels hidden in forests. Twins!
#2 Finland
At 90.53 per cent, Finland have nabbed the second place on this year’s quality of life survey. No doubt because Finnish people are all very smart and environmentally conscious.
#1 Denmark
Denmark scored an overall 90.57 per cent, taking out the top spot for their high levels of personal rights, nutrition, medical care, sanitation and access to things like knowledge, information and communications.
Josephine is a staff writer at Junkee Media. You can find her words on AWOL, The Cusp, food she bagsed in the fridge.