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No Joke, A Cheese Conveyor-Belt Restaurant Just Opened In London

No Joke, A Cheese Conveyor-Belt Restaurant Just Opened In London

Pick & Cheese: World's First Cheese Conveyor-Belt Restaurant Now Open

Sushi train restaurants are truly a blessing – literally who doesn’t want their food delivered without having to talk to a stranger to order it? For years, we’ve been wondering what food will get this misanthropic treatment next, and now we know: cheese! London just scored a cheese conveyor-belt restaurant so you can stuff your face with gruyere without pausing to make small talk.

It’s the little things that make life meaningful, you know?

Pick & Cheese is the world’s first cheese conveyor-belt restaurant. Sit down at the bar and grab some of the greatest food in the world as it rolls past you on a 40-metre-long belt. Guys, 40-metres is a lot of cheese. Choo choo, mother-cheesers


Choose from more than 25 kinds of cheese sourced from all over the United Kingdom, like a Sparkenhoe Red Leicester served with candied chilli peppers. Pick & Cheese has a gouda served with hazelnut praline, a blue cheese that comes with fig-coco spread, and cheddar with tomato relish for the classic cheese lovers. Or get some Yorkshire Pecorino paired with lemon meringue up in here.


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Each plate is colour coded by price, starting at £2.95 (AU$5.30), and getting up to £6.10 (AU$10.95) for the fancy cheeses. And you know you deserve the fancy cheeses, baby girl!


You can even order off-belt if you’re keen for something more substantial, like a four-cheese toastie or a whole wheel of gooey baked Waterloo.


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The cheese conveyor-belt concept was dreamed up by the team at The Cheese Bar, a traditional cheese and wine bar in London’s West End.

“Over the years, we’ve built up a repertoire of our favourites, and have been waiting for the perfect chance to put them on our menu,” founder Matthew Carver told Lonely Planet. “We’ve tried to cater to the more well-known flavour profiles, as well as trying to push people out of their comfort zone to try something new.”

Pick & Cheese is now open in Seven Dials Market, a new food hall in Convent Garden.

(Lead image: niccrillyhargravephotography / Instagram)

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