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There Are Hotels Are Offering Mermaid Fitness Classes Because Why Not?

There Are Hotels Are Offering Mermaid Fitness Classes Because Why Not?

mermaid fitness classes

Remembering to exercise while on holidays is one thing, but actually conjuring up the energy to work out when you’d much rather be lazing beside the hotel pool is near impossible – until now. Now, you can do both! Well… kind of.

Introducing mermaid fitness classes, because apparently this is what we’re doing now.


These weird-as-hell fitness classes are the brainchild of booking site and are available throughout September at select hotel locations across the globe  for all those guests longing to live out their best The Little Mermaid fantasy.

The classes work like this. Once you’ve slipped on a mermaid tail, hop into the pool where a “professional mermaid” will be waiting to lead the class. Then, follow the instructions of your head mermaid for a variety of underwater exercises.

Sounds bizarre but turns out this is what the people asked for. According to a survey conducted by the booking site, guests would much prefer to partake in a mermaid fitness than yoga or HIIT training.

mermaid fitness classes

The mermaid fitness classes will launch in hotels in Spain, Japan and Mexico.

Courses will run at the Zafiro Palace Palmanova Hotel in Mallorca, spain from September 20 to 22; the Kanucha Bay Hotel & Villas in Okinawa, Japan from September 17 to 21; and the Camino Real Polanco Mexico in Mexico City on September 1, 8, 15 and 22.

Happy splashing!

Check out Qantas flights and begin your next adventure.

(All images: / supplied)

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