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Messina’s Bringing Back 40 Of Its Best Gelato Flavours For One Weekend Only

Messina’s Bringing Back 40 Of Its Best Gelato Flavours For One Weekend Only

gelato messina

If there’s one constant in Australia that can make us forget that the world is crashing to the ground around us, it’s Messina’s limited edition gelato flavours. The weekly specials are gone from this world too soon – but for one weekend this month, 40 of the best gelato flavours are coming back to us, baby!

For two whole glorious days, Gelato Messina will be yeeting all the regular flavours out of the cabinets and replacing them with 40 of the most popular limited edition flavours from the past seventeen years.


The Greatest Hits takeover will be happening in Sydney‘s Rosebery and Melbourne‘s Fitzroy stores on July 27 and 28. That’s an entire weekend to reunite with your long lost fave flave.


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Messina have given us a sample of the VIP gelatos that we can expect to see, including the Jon Snow (white chocolate gelato with dark chocolate mud cake and almond praline), the Robert Brownie Jr. (milk chocolate gelato, chocolate brownie and chocolate fudge sauce) and the all time greatest flavour — Fairy Bread (don’t @ me with your trash opinions if you disagree).

They’re also bringing back the Red Wedding (red velvet gelato with baked cheesecake and red velvet cake batter), the Number Two (peanut gelato with chocolate brownie and dulce de leche) and the chocolate and honeycomb-heavy Montgomery’s Gold Mine.


If you’ve got a particular flavour in mind, Messina is taking suggestions for flavours to include. Fight for the things you love.

You’ll have to go into the stores in person to get your hands on the specials since neither will be on Deliveroo for the occasion – but if you can’t get in to Rosebery or Fitzroy, every other Messina store will be operating as normal.

It’s first in, first served. Now is definitely the time for breakfast gelato.

Check out Qantas flights to begin your next adventure.

(Lead image: Gelato Messina)

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