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Why I Flew Half Way Across The World For Some Bacon

Why I Flew Half Way Across The World For Some Bacon

bacon, london

I’ve eaten many naan breads in my time. I’ve scaled Mount Peshwari on several occasions, braving sweet and savoury to drive my dinner home to glory. I’ve canoed the obscure depths of Keema Naan River, where spicy lamb lurks beneath the surface ready to strike at any bite. I’ve spent passionate nights in hotel rooms by the Yarra with tender garlic naans, too numerous to recount the names.


But there’s one naan that is the absolute ultimate, one so rare that only those who’ve been to the far away land of London will have seen in its splendour.

I should stop at this point and say that in most cases I really hate the word ‘fusion’. This is the one only time I will say it: British and Indian fusion is at its finest at Dishoom.

bacon, london
Image: Alex Dick

This restaurant altered the way I approach breakfast forever; it’s challenged the classic bacon sandwich by putting bacon inside naan bread. Freshly made, chewy, delicious naan. The perfect mix of chilli jam, cream cheese and coriander accompanies it. The flavour is so good that your tongue will even have trouble describing it to your brain.


The bacon is something else though, Dishoom prides itself on buying from The Ginger Pig and cooking it over flames. The flavour is deep, with cures of salt and sweet, and the smoke has an oaky finish like a fine wine. Whoever cooks it is a dab hand with a hunk o’ pork too. This whole breakfast is just perfection.

Bacon, London
Image: Alex Dick

I discovered this place in 2010 when its first location opened up in Covent Garden down the road from where I was working. It had me at “hello”. I send everyone I can there, be they tourist or local. I’ve eaten more bacon naan rolls that I care to disclose and after a three year absence from the UK, I’ve returned to find they have opened three more locations: in Shoreditch, King’s Cross and Carnaby. It’s worth 24-hours on a plane just for this naan.


(Lead image: Dishoom)

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