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Stop Everything To Watch This Sweet Doggo Cheer Up Quarantined Seniors

Stop Everything To Watch This Sweet Doggo Cheer Up Quarantined Seniors

Coronavirus good news: Tonka the dog

Today in coronavirus good news stories, Tonka the very good Great Dane from Texas is taking his job as a therapy dog VERY seriously.

Thanks to this whole COVID-19 bizzo, Tonka and his human, Courtney Leigh, can’t visit their local nursing homes anymore, but that hasn’t stopped them spreading the love (and only the love) from safely behind glass.

Honestly, just do your heart a favour and watch the video:

I’m not crying, you’re crying.

“We learned that with the recent events all therapy visits will be discontinued for safety purposes, of course,”  Courtney Leigh told local station KXAN.

“We really missed our visits, and I thought, what can I do personally, on my own, to try and continue some of the feel-good that this wonderful dog gives to everyone?”


In a nutshell, Tonka walks around to all the windows of the nursing home residents to smile, wag his tail, and just be a generally really good boy.

“We’re so excited to be able to just make [the residents] smile,” said Courtney – and also Tonka agreed with his eyes, I imagine.


I’m just putting it out there, that in my own personal dogless isolation, absolutely anyone is welcome to let their pup parade by my window too.

(Lead Image:

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