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We Would Absolutely Fly To The UK To Be A Supermarket’s Dedicated Chicken Nugget Taster

We Would Absolutely Fly To The UK To Be A Supermarket’s Dedicated Chicken Nugget Taster

chicken nuggets

Show me a person who says chicken nuggets aren’t the best things humans have ever invented, and I’ll show you a liar. They are. Full stop.

UK supermarket chain B&M knows this, because it’s on the hunt for a temporary Chicken Nugget Connoisseur (turns out, my nickname for myself is also a job title) who’ll help them in expanding their fresh and frozen food ranges.

According to the job description, applicants who’ve polished off an entire 20-pack of Macca’s chicken nuggets by themselves, gone to a party because there’s free food, and/or have prepared (and possibly delivered) a PowerPoint presentation on the virtues of curly fries will be looked on favourably.

To apply, all you have to do is tell the company why you think you deserve the opportunity and lay out why your experience makes you the right person for the job.

The successful applicant will be paid in $45 (£25) vouchers for their efforts, but I’d straight-up board a plane to London to do it for free.

Keep up the good work, B&M. You’re truly doing the Lord’s work.

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