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You Can Buy The World’s Most Northern Pub & Drink Among The Polar Bears And Northern Lights

You Can Buy The World’s Most Northern Pub & Drink Among The Polar Bears And Northern Lights

Now seems as good a time as any to leave the crowds behind and head off into the unknown. Can’t be any more anxiety-inducing than the known, am I right?

Of course, you’ll need a way to fill your time and make some moolah on your adventures, so it makes complete sense to take advantage of the current sale of the northernmost pub in the world.

The idea of owning a bar with a full kitchen is a lifelong dream for many. How about owning your own modern bar on the…

Posted by Svalbar on Monday, September 21, 2020

Svalbar is located in Svalbard, wayyyyy up in the Arctic North between Norway and the North Pole. It might be remote, but according to the owners it’s not quiet.

“Svalbar is a popular and cozy pub in the heart of Longyearbyen, the largest town of Svalbard,” they said. “The pub is in immediate vicinity of several hotels and is a natural hotspot for both locals and tourists, with an attractive corner location on main street”.

“Burgers from the grill, Italian pizzas from the brick ovens and great drinks from the bar are just the tip of the iceberg of what [it] has to offer”.

We have some Scottish reinforcements at Svalbar today.

Come in and try our Bacon and Egg burger for 150kr.

Posted by Svalbar on Sunday, June 28, 2020

I’m just saying, the food (and low key, the person holding it) looks like a real snack, and exactly the comfort you need in all that snow. Could you buy it and just ask them to keep doing what they’re doing?

The bar has a full kitchen plus room for 18 tables and 90 seated customers (no, I do not currently know Norway’s social distancing policy). Heck,. they even serve the occasional polar bear with the Northern Lights often twinkling overhead.

Polarbear visiting Svalbar

Come on in to Svalbar and find out why The Bear is trying to figur out if we are open for service, unfortunatly managed to miss operation hours by a bit.

Credit goes to whoever is the resonsible for capturing the video

Posted by Svalbar on Thursday, December 26, 2019

“How about owning your own modern bar with a full kitchen – on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard,” says their sale website. “Explore this unique opportunity not only to own a profitable business, but also to move to and work in Norway from anywhere in the world!”

You don’t have to tell me twice. At least, you wouldn’t if I had any sort of experience running a bar, or the money to pay for it — which they haven’t publicly priced by the way.

If you were wondering how visa work, don’t. Svalbard might be part of the Kingdom of Norway, but it’s governed by the Svalbard treaty — in short, there are no visa requirements for foreigners to live or work there for as long as they like.

I don’t know about you, but this is sounding better with each sentence that I write. If you’re ready to go ahead and purchase, you can find the rest of the deets here.

(Lead Image: Facebook / Svalbar)

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