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10 Quirky Country Pubs Around Australia You Need To Add To Your Next Road Trip

10 Quirky Country Pubs Around Australia You Need To Add To Your Next Road Trip

One of the best parts of any road trip is pulling into a random country pub. The whole atmosphere is just different, and, if you’re lucky, way friendlier. Is it just me, or does the food taste better too?

Either way, a pub crawl doesn’t get much more ultimate than making your way around the country to cutest and quirkiest country pubs. Here are the best one to tick off your list.

#1 William Creek Hotel, SA

TripAdvisor flows with praise for this quirky pub in the nearest town to the iconic Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre. It’s got hotel rooms, self-contained accommodation, a camping ground, restaurant, pub and fuel.

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#2 The Palace Hotel, Broken Hill NSW

This Broken Hill icon rose to fame thanks to its feature in Priscilla: Queen Of The Desert. The heritage hotel really leans into its history, they even have a themed ‘Priscilla Suite’ and it is STUNNING.

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#3 The Border Inn, Aspley, VIC


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Not only is it super cute and camper van friendly, The Border Inn has a glowing reputation for its pub grub. It was actually on the brink of closing when 11 farming families around the area banded together to keep it going, and we love a local success story.

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#4 Lee’s Hotel, Ingham QLD


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Country music fans will know that Slim Dusty’s Pub With No Beer is supposedly about the Taylor’s Arms hotel in New South Wales, but the song was actually adapted from a poem published in 1944 by Dan Sheahan about the Day Dawn Hotel in Ingham, Queensland — now known as Lee’s Hotel.

Fun fact, that’s where my family is from, and local rumour has it that my own Great Uncle helped with poem but got cut out of the credits — I have absolutely no hard evidence for the truth of this though, so who knows.

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#5 Family Hotel, Tibooburra NSW

It’s doesn’t get much more ‘outback’ than Tibooburra, right up in NSW’s top left corner, bordering on both Queensland and South Australia, which is pretty cool. It’s got that real cosy country vibe, and is the perfect base for exploring Sturt National Park.

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#6 The Daly Waters Pub, Daly Waters NT


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It’s the oldest pub in the Northern Territory — having been around since 1893 — and it’s won more than its fair share of awards. The walls are also lined with mementoes and treasures left behind from its many visitors over the years, from bras to an an Irish hurling stick.

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#7 Mole Creek Hotel, TAS


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Very on theme for Tasmania, this pub has a famous Tasmania Tiger Bar, complete with Tassie Tiger wall art, newspaper clippings about sightings and a raved about menu that also features the little creature — like a Tassie Tiger-shaped pie top.

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#8 Silverton Hotel, Silverton NSW


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I don’t know what it is about the Broken Hill area and their knack for building pubs that film makers love, but Silverton Hotel is another one (including the likes of Mad Max), and many of the locals even scored roles as extras. The walls of this very cute pub are adorned with pictures the various shoots.

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#9 Whim Creek Hotel, Pilbara WA

A gaudy pink corrugated iron pub that somehow survived a number of natural disasters and bug infestations is my kind of vibe. The doors are temporarily closed while the new owners get the place set up, but keep an eye out for this old favourite.

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#10 Nindigully Pub, Nindigully QLD


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The oldest pub in Queensland may be in a town with a population of about nine people, but it’s a bbig draw card for visitors. It’s enormous ‘Road Train burgers’ that feed four and over 140 Akubra hats lining the walls keep people coming back.

Read more here.

(Lead Image: Instagram / @silvertonhotel)

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