A German Artist Has Inspired People To Fix Crumbling Walls With Lego

German artist Jan Vormann has been travelling the world adding a little touch of colour to crumbling monuments using tiny colourful Lego blocks.
From Israel to Italy to New York to his home town of Bamberg, Germany, Vormann began this humble street-art project at an art-fair in Rome and has since been inspired to travel the world and put a colourful spin on crumbling walls and damaged monuments.
Vormann has inspired hundreds of people to follow in his footsteps too, with colourful fixings popping up across the globe – there’s even a little bit of hometown pride for the legends who have started this in Sydney.
In recent years, Vormann has teamed up with design collective Platform 21 to dispatch teams of people across the world to repair city walls with Vormann’s Lego method. You can follow the team, named Dispatchwork, and their amazingly colourful efforts here.
(Images: Dispatchwork)