The Internet Has Fallen In Love With 200 Escaped Goats & The Dog Who Tried To Herd Them

Alana is the staff writer on AWOL who thinks the…
While humans deal with self-isolation by baking sourdough and stress eating anything with sugar in it, the animals have been thriving. The latest animals to take full advantage of the chaos? A herd of 200 escaped goats who took over the streets in American suburbia.
Twitter user @zach_roelands shared a video of more than 200 escaped goats storming his street in San Jose, California. “I’m dead. When I got back from the store all the goats had broken through the fence and were recking havoc on our street,” he wrote in his post.
“This is the craziest thing to happen all quarantine,” he added.
I’m dead 😂☠️ When I got back from the store all the goats had broken through the fence and were recking havoc on our street
This is the craziest thing to happen all quarantine 🐐🐐🐐
— Zach Roelands (@zach_roelands) May 13, 2020
And look, yeah. There are so many questions here that demand an answer. Why are there so many goats in this residential area? How did they get there? What’s the name of the dog who tries to round them up?
Roelands had a few answers, thank god.
After being asked “How many goats live on your street, man?” by another Twitter user, he replied: “None, they come by for 3 days a year to clear dead weeds off the hill behind our house.”
judging by the number of goats in this video, it must be a really BIG hill. Like, that’s a LOT of goats.
— Mistress Matisse (@mistressmatisse) May 13, 2020
According to NBC Bay Area, the hill was cordoned off with electric fences, which one of the goats somehow tapped. That caused the boards on the fence to break, letting the goats run free.
People fell in love with the chaotic escaped goats, and the tweets were the best part.
You guys, nature is healing.
— Cherryblossome (@WSpringis) May 13, 2020
goat party goat party goat party goat party goat party goat party goat party goat party goat party goat party
— Ad Infinitum (@Ad_Inifinitum) May 13, 2020
I like the ones that take time out to eat while they’re running away from home.
— John Brosnan (@birdflyoverlake) May 13, 2020
I like how some stop to eat people’s flowers.
— cнrιѕ elѕтon 🇨🇦 (@christophelston) May 13, 2020
Golden Retriever is like ‘This is my moment!’
— Remote Owl (@RecalcitrantOwl) May 13, 2020
Mad props to the pup trying to round them all up.
— Autumn (@Gingelle77) May 13, 2020
You can tell this guy started the revolt
— ladyfromthecold (@ladyfromthecold) May 13, 2020
Nope they ate all the plants and pooped all over the grass. You know, more fertilizer so I’ll have to mow it twice as often
— Zach Roelands (@zach_roelands) May 13, 2020
(Lead image: Zach Roelands / Twitter)
Alana is the staff writer on AWOL who thinks the best way to travel is by taking spontaneous detours and stopping at every local bakery to try the cakes. She writes a lot about Australian TV, Big Things, cursed food, and theme parks. You can follow her on Instagram @alana.dotcom. It’s mostly dogs she meets along the way.