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You’ve Gotta Eat This: Cheesebomb Burger

You’ve Gotta Eat This: Cheesebomb Burger

Have you ever tasted something so delicious, so mind-bogglingly awesome that you immediately wanted to tell everyone you know about it? You’re not alone. Getting to taste unique offerings from around the world is probably the best part of travel, so there’s no shame in planning a whole trip around one special-looking dish, is there? Because you know in your heart of hearts that you’ve just gotta eat this.

What is it? The Cheesebomb burger is a beef burger smothered all over with melted cheddar cheese.

Where can you get it? Maxwell’s Bar and Grill in Covent Garden, London.

What’s in it? The cheesebomb burger is just a regular burger but a whole lot messier. It has a beef patty with crispy bacon, shredded lettuce, red onion & special sauce in a toasted bun, and then you can drown every inch in melted cheddar cheese. Oh, it also comes with fries if you wanted to break up the dairy.

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Is it good for you? While we can’t provide nutritional information, our guess is along the lines of “almost certainly not”.

How much does it cost? A cheesebomb burger will set you back around $22.50AUD (13.95GBP) and probably a few years of your life.

(Lead photo: Maxwell’s Bar and Grill)

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