We Can Guess Your Next Holiday Based On Your Smartphone

What does your choice of smartphone tell you about your travel habits? Well, quite a lot actually. Travel site Trivago has analysed the booking patterns of Android and Apple users, finding out a whole lot of juicy data about how users of each handset plan their holidays – from how much they’re prepared to spend on a hotel to their favourite destinations.
For Aussie Apple users it’s all about Bali, with Kuta and Seminyak among the most searched for international travel spots for those with iOS. Android users, on the other hand, are more likely to hit up Patong Beach and Bangkok in Thailand. Having accommodation close to the beach is more of a priority for Apple users, with 21 percent selecting that preference compared to 17 percent of people with Android devices. Conversely, Android users care more about whether a hotel has a pool or a spa.

Over in the US, Las Vegas, New York and Orlando are in the top three searches for American Apple and Android users. However, the comparatively cheaper Myrtle Beach in South Carolina is more popular with Android holiday-makers than ritzy Miami Beach, which was the fourth most searched place among American Apple users.

The research also confirms that Apple users don’t mind stretching the budget a bit more when it comes to accommodation – on average they’ll spend $24 more per night. They’re also 21 percent more likely to fork out the big bucks for a five-star hotel. And speaking of hotels, Android users care more about proximity to the CBD than Apple users, who make accommodation choices based on star and user ratings. Make of that what you will.
Interestingly, breakfast is a more preferable option for Android owners, while Apple owners prioritise Wi-FI. [Insert joke about Apple users being more dorky here]