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‘Turtle Ranger’ Is An Actual Job, And You Missed Out On It

‘Turtle Ranger’ Is An Actual Job, And You Missed Out On It

A hotel in Oman has just hired a full-time turtle ranger. Which is devastating news because we weren’t told that the position was vacant.

Mohammed Al Hasani has just been hired at the Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa in Oman as part of its turtle conservation program. The resort’s location is one of five turtle nesting spots in Oman. Each year, over 100 turtles go to the beach to lay their eggs and it’s Mohammed’s job to make sure they’re safe and happy to do so.


Lonely Planet reports that he conducted two months of training for the job, learning everything there is to know about turtles, including how to protect them and assist with their nesting. Part of his job also involves giving talks about turtle conservation for the resort guests.

Last year, 4100 hatchlings were laid on the resort’s beach. On second thought, it’s a pretty big job to keep on top of.


So basically, this dude hangs out with turtles all day long and then chats to people about how good they are. Could this be the coolest job in the entire world? We think so.

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