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This Instagram Offers A Glimpse Into Abandoned Movie Theatres Around The US

This Instagram Offers A Glimpse Into Abandoned Movie Theatres Around The US

One US photographer has been travelling the country seeking out abandoned movie theatres and documenting it on his Instagram. And the results are fascinating.

In the US and around the world, some of the most opulent structures ever built have been theatres. However, due to the rise of on-demand television and movies, the idea of the traditional theatre doesn’t hold the same weight as it once did. Sadly, as ticket sales decline, theatres have been forced to shut down and sit to decay or be demolished.

Matt Lambros is an architectural photographer who specialises in grand, historic structures that have fallen from grace. He has travelled all around the US documenting the state of these buildings.

He’s since released a book, Final Curtain: The Fall Of the American Movie Theatre, and hopes that it will encourage people to save the buildings from demolition.

For now, we can enjoy some of the spooky images on his Instagram. Here are some of our favourites:

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(Lead image: afterthefinalcurtain/Instagram)

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