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This ‘Ask A Local’ Site Is Here To Answer All Of Your Travel Questions

This ‘Ask A Local’ Site Is Here To Answer All Of Your Travel Questions

There are certain travel questions that are a little too strange to ask out loud (“is it a BYO toilet paper kinda place?”). Luckily, thanks to Ask A Local, you don’t ever have to utter those awkward queries aloud again.

Founded by the people who brought us that Teleport site, which surveys your life and gives you a personalised analysis of where you should live overseas, the Ask A Local forum exists as a platform that matches prospective travellers and their questions with helpful locals in their destinations – like a dating site for people and places.

The question and answer community is useful for anyone looking to step out of their comfort zone. Those looking to live and work overseas can ask their own questions or search by city to find interesting and often essential information on pretty much every place in the world, while those just heading on holiday can spend some time scrolling through the forums for more basic travel wisdom.

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The search function is a stand-out; type your destination into the bar up top to find previously asked questions from other travellers, as well as a ‘City Data’ tab with information ranging from how many hours of light there are per day, to median salaries and rent, to the price of a movie ticket, to visa restrictions and laws that could affect a traveller personally. For anything you’re curious to know about a city, there’s either existing data or a friendly local user on hand to help out.

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So if you’ve ever wondered “how easy it is for a single woman to live in Japan?” or “how dog-friendly is Cologne?”, now you can find out from a real local.


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