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Spain Has Its Own Streaming Service To Help People Siesta

Spain Has Its Own Streaming Service To Help People Siesta

Siestas are one cultural tradition we’d like to see more of here in Australia.

A designated nap time during your day to assist with productivity and overall happiness sounds like a dream to us, both figuratively and literally. They’re a staple of the Spanish way of life and no visit to the country is complete without napping like the locals do. But what happens if you want to siesta but your brain is too busy humming from your morning of activity? That’s where Napflix comes in.

Napflix was developed by Victor de Tena and Frances Bonet to aid those who need a little down time but can’t seem to turn off their minds. The website describes Napflix as “a video platform where you can find the most silent and sleepy content selection to relax your brain and easily fall asleep”. Even though we know it’s probably not great to fall asleep with the television on, we always end up doing it anyway. This way, we won’t miss the end of an important episode.



The service streams old and stupidly boring videos on old Fishing Tournaments, cars driving through rain and a Finnish Dog Show. They even have a 2016 Cricket Match on there for those who can’t seem to stay awake during a game. (Don’t tell your dad, it’ll break his heart.)

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All of Napflix’s videos are sourced from YouTube so there’s a lot of weird and wonderful to stuff to watch and quickly fall asleep to. If something more steady and consistent is your jam, there are sounds of waterfalls, crackling fires and lava lamps to help you nod off. If there’s nothing more snore inducing than gaming to you, you can stream games of Tetris and Super Mario World instead.

Interestingly, Spain aren’t the first country to realise the benefits of slow moving television. SlowTV is an actual thing in Norway, where people put on endless videos of boat trips or birds flying to have something on in the background.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re off to catch some eight hour footage of a candle melting and a quick siesta.

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