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The CEO Of Qantas Has Told Us What To Expect Once Domestic Flights Are Back In Action

The CEO Of Qantas Has Told Us What To Expect Once Domestic Flights Are Back In Action

Now that lockdown restrictions across the country are slowly starting to ease after what feels like a lifetime but was actually only a couple of months, it’s fair to say many of us are champing at the bit to plan our next Aussie getaway. There’s even some talk of being able to travel to New Zealand.

While we don’t have any definite timelines yet, and things could always change even when we do, it’s hard not to get excited. But what will flights in Australia look like post-pandemic?

Alan Joyce, the CEO of Qantas, told Escape that we should expect three things to happen once the country is back open for business.

#1 There will be competition

Australia might only have one official airline at the moment, but Joyce says the fact the Australian domestic market has such strong potential is the very reason it won’t stay that way for long.

#2 There will be low fares

Many have speculated that flight prices might go up, but Joyce says the opposite will be true as airlines work at getting their passengers back on board. Frankly, this news has made my 2020.

#3 Domestic travel will start long before international

This one might be more obvious, but it’s comforting to know that we can at least start exploring our own backyard while we wait for international borders to open back up.

Qantas itself has extended its flight cancellations from the end of May to the end of June, but say they have the scope to restore some services at fairly short notice once these restrictions lift.

It’s a waiting game, but the end seems to be getting closer in sight every day and thank god, because my wanderlust is getting out of control over here.

Honestly, I cannot wait to start complaining about my fellow passengers and seeing parts of the country that aren’t my bedroom walls again.

(Lead Image: Pexels / Brett Sayles)

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